Build together a sustainability business
Our circular solutions give enterprises, public entities, and schools access to more affordable, high-quality technology.

Sustainability at Remarketed
Second-hand smartphones represent 10% of total smartphone sales in some countries (France, Germany) with an expected annual growth rate of around 10% in the coming years. The market is growing thanks to the financial and environmental benefits both for purchasers and the planet. This trend is especially marked among young people seeking more responsible solutions. The pandemic boosted growth in 2020 as individual purchasing power shrank.

CEO Jeroen F. Poelsma
When devices live longer, more people can benefit from access to technology. Within our ecosystem, we prove that sustainability and profitability go hand in hand.
Our circular solutions give enterprises, public entities, and schools access to more affordable, high-quality technology.
Easy Setup
The device lifecycle process At Remarketed
24 months of usage
Service / Afterservice
Remarketed gaat samenwerking aan met Fixers
Woensdag 17 Augustus 2022 Remarketed, een van de grootste en toonaangevenderefurbished partijen van Nederland gaat een samenwerking aan …
Annual Meeting of EUREFAS (May 24-25 in Brussels 2022)
Brussels – 24 & 25th of may , all members of EUREFAS are meeting in order to discuss …
The European Refurbishment Association announces new members and the release of its first views on the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) at Mobile World Congress 2022
Using the profit accumulator is one such way, and you should understand why it increases your chances of …